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Client Story

Preparation and teamwork enable successful EPR deployment


WWL is committed to designing services around the needs of patients, and for patients to be cared for as close to their home as possible. Initially, the systems WWL had didn’t work well together, and they didn’t provide the potential for growth. Operating across four hospital sites, a state-of-the-art outpatients center, a dedicated Eye Unit at the Wigan Health Centre and offices in Wigan town center, WWL delivers a broad range of highly regarded general and specialist acute services.


With Allscripts, WWL enabled:

  • Comprehensive training for 4,000 staff members for a smooth launch across five locations
  • 300 clinicians and non-clinicians to work together to design, build and test the system
  • 32.5 million documents from previous systems to be uploaded before the system went live.
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