A comprehensive EPR platform for the entire continuum of care.
That’s Sunrise.
Why Sunrise?
The challenges facing today’s NHS Trusts are numerous. Today’s organisations are trying to advance healthcare delivery, stay at the forefront of innovation, teach the future of medicine and increase service lines and options improving clinician experience and providing quality, and achieving clinical quality. Your care teams need the right information at the right time, resulting in the right decisions.
Improve outcomes, patient safety, and reach digital maturity - all with a scalable electronic patient record as unique as your organisation.
Altera Sunrise Acute Care clinical wrap is a set of clinical technologies, including a robust electronic patient record (EPR) and services which work with existing Patient Administration Systems (PASs). It offers rapid deployment whilst building a foundation for sustainable digital growth and full clinical transformation. It is a low-risk, NHS-proven solution that helps improve outcomes and advance digital maturity, no matter where a Trust is on its transformation journey.
Helps organisations manage their operational efficiency, identifying and mitigating patient flow problems before they happen—days, weeks or even months in advance. It also stabilises nurse-to-patient staff levels and helps organisations adjust as demand and mix change.
Your clinicians need the right information to provide the best care. That’s why we integrated our Sunrise Surgical Care solution with Provation® iPro. A single patient record from pre-op to post-acute gives your clinicians real-time access to clinical, billing and administrative information – and supports fast, accurate documentation.
Harness your data, and you’ll transform your organisation. Sunrise Clinical Performance Manager gives you the tools to mine clinical data and transform it into actionable information – without complex query-writing skills. Our solution’s rules engines, predictive analytics, advanced data visualisation and customisable key performance indicators (which can be aligned with NHS mandates such as CQUIN) empower decision makers to monitor compliance and drive improvement.
In the dynamic emergency department environment, your clinicians require the right patient information, right away. Sunrise Emergency Care is a comprehensive emergency department information system proven to streamline care transitions and favourably impact clinical and financial outcomes. It supercharges the traditional tracking board with a powerful and intuitive interface, displaying order status at-a-glance, with fewer clicks necessary to access vital tasks and information.
Sunrise Knowledge-Based Medication Administration delivers advanced clinical decision support – with barcode technology – to help your nurses quickly and accurately verify the five rights of medication administration: right medication, right dose, right time, right route and right patient. This solution integrates with your trust’s pharmacy solution for electronic requesting of prescribed medication supplies.
Sunrise Air™ is a clinical application which links to the Altera EPR, providing workflows, patient data and the ability to perform actions all from a mobile device. The Sunrise Air™ app can be used on iOS, Android or Windows devices and uses the same user ID (via the Trust AD) to grant user access. Data available in the core EPR flows seamlessly to the mobile devices and vice-versa, making mobile working a genuine possibility for clinical staff. Users can update flowsheets (such as eOBSs), record the completion of tasks (including medication administration), review results and vital signs in dynamic graphical views and review all clinical documents recorded against the patient. Doctors and prescribers can also place diagnostic orders and prescribe medications, create and save notes to the patient’s record from the mobile app and read and send secure health messages.
Sunrise Surgical Care brings the power of Altera into your operating room. It connects every point, from pre-operative planning, through the perioperative suite, to postoperative care and beyond. Real-time updates keep your entire clinical and operational team in the loop, while everything is tracked on a single, continuous patient record.
Helps organisations manage their operational efficiency, identifying and mitigating patient flow problems before they happen—days, weeks or even months in advance. It also stabilises nurse-to-patient staff levels and helps organisations adjust as demand and mix change.
Sunrise In Action

Sunrise’s user-centered design enables care teams to complete their workflows more effectively. For example, the Workflow Management tool in Sunrise enables your clinicians to view outstanding tasks and quickly take action.

With a quick hover motion over the Tracking Board in Sunrise, your clinicians can see critical information they need for more informed decisions—all with no clicks at all.

The Avatar feature in Sunrise enables clinicians to complete their documentation more quickly and efficiently.

Patient Timeline in Sunrise shows a comprehensive history of the patient, including the results from appointments in other care settings, so your care team can have a complete patient picture.

Sunrise Air™ provides care teams with anytime, anywhere access to patient information. Mobile supports point-of-care documentation and a complete Barcode Medication Administration workflow, and is offered on a multi-OS platform that also supports Android devices.

Why our clients love partnering with us
How do you generate the greatest clinical benefit from the least time and money? PAS replacement
would have been a lot of work and a lot of risk, with no clinical benefits... Sunrise gave us
obvious clinical benefits.
Dr. Martin Farrier
Chief Clinical Information Officer
The process was carefully planned and relied on the collaboration between operational, clinical, administrative, and EPR teams, as well as the Altera Digital Health team. This enabled us to go live with full EPR clinical functionality with minimal disruption to patients.
Mark Hutchinson
Chief Digital Information Officer, Gloucestershire Hospitals
This project will have a profound impact on the trust and healthcare across Kent. I am confident that we have the right strategy, the right solution and the right proven supplier to deliver for our clinicians and for our patients.
James Devine
Chief Executive, Medway NHS Foundation Trust
The last 10 years have given us the experience we needed to roll out smoothly and start learning from the new data we are collecting right away. We are now 99% paperless and we couldn’t have achieved so much in such a short space of time without the support of the team at Altera Digital Health.
Carol Moss
EPR Manager, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Sunrise is a beautifully simple, ready-made system. It’s everything you need, and nothing you don’t.
Dr. Martin Farrier
Chief Information Officer
The EPR is transforming our workflows and is already having a positive impact on patient safety.
Dr Nabeel Qureshi
Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Lead for EPR, Medway NHS Foundation Trust
In addition to the patient and clinical benefits, the adoption of EPR in GHFT’s emergency departments is supporting better patient flow across the ICS.
Eve Olivant
Senior System Flow Lead, One Gloucestershire ICS
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